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About Us

Your global partner for social good.

Who are we?

Humentum unlocks the strategic power of operating models for social good organizations. We focus on practical solutions to improve the effectiveness of finance, people, risk, and compliance processes.

Our years of experience working with hundreds of global development organizations translates into deep understanding and better results. We strengthen your organization through:

  • Individual, group, and organization training
  • Expert consulting delivered by professionals with years of global experience
  • A robust membership community for peer-to-peer networking, resources, and problem-solving
  • Dynamic advocacy to address the sector’s most pressing operational issues

We have staff based across the United States, United Kingdom, Africa, Latin America, Europe, and India. We also work with over 100 expert associates and trainers based in a range of countries around the world to deliver our consultancy projects and trainings for members and clients. Humentum was formed by the merger of InsideNGO, LINGOs, and Mango in July 2017. We knew we could accomplish more as one global organization working together than each organization could accomplish alone.

OUR MISSION: Building and supporting operating models that create accountability and resilience for organizations across the globe.

What We Do

Build Community. Sharing, collaborating, and connecting are the pillars of our organization. Our strength is in our members and our clients, and we bring them together regularly for peer-to-peer exchanges. We convene more than 50 events annually for senior leaders, such as our quarterly CEO, CFO, and COO Forums. Our topical roundtables, free to members throughout the year, are popular events where functional experts discuss problems, solutions, and best practices.

Promote Training. We advance individual and organizational capability through online training and content. Thousands of professionals take advantage every year of our 300+ courses, e-Learning offerings, and webinars to build their capacity in the areas of compliance; finance, grants, and contracts; human resources and internal learning; and program/project management.

Provide Consulting: We help solve organization-wide problems through our consultancy service. Our tailored expert and practical consultancy services strengthen operations and organizational performance at humanitarian and development organizations, delivered by over 100 affiliated expert associates and trainers based around the globe.

Engage in Advocacy: We create and advocate for data-driven policies and standards that address sector-wide challenges. We advocate on behalf of our members, representing their views and priorities to key funders—especially the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID); the Department of State; and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) of the United Kingdom.

Our Members & Clients

Our organizational members and clients represent the dynamic mix of all those leading humanitarian and development work today: nonprofit organizations, for-profit companies with an expertise in international development, sector experts with deep roots in global issues, nonprofit policy organizations, and academic institutions advancing sustainable development.

Our engaged community includes individuals at all levels within these organizations—one organizational membership opens the door to all employees’ participation.

We also partner with more than 50 industry service providers who are recommended by our members and deeply committed to the NGO community.

OUR VISION: Making change happen for social good.

Our Values:

  • We love what we do
  • We walk the talk
  • We meet you where you are
  • We ask the tough questions
  • Together, we create real change

Our Guiding Principles:

We pledge

  • To be willing to learn, adapt, and stay open to discomfort
  • To keep inclusivity at the forefront of all our actions and conversations
  • To acknowledge individual and collective power, and use it for transformation
  • To be humble and own our mistakes