Home Blog & Media 5 Ways Organizations and Leaders Have Been Caring for Staff During This Season of Extreme Uncertainty

5 Ways Organizations and Leaders Have Been Caring for Staff During This Season of Extreme Uncertainty

April 29, 2021

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Lynne Cripe

Chief Executive Officer
The KonTerra Group

What word or phrase would you use to characterize the past year? How do you sum up a season seen as a global pandemic, travel restrictions, seismic shifts in the global economy and our own working lives, acute political tensions, violence, and renewed calls for racial justice?

When we ask our clients these questions, we hear words like change, upheaval, hard, painful, scary, and growth. And we hear a common thread—uncertainty. It has been a season of extraordinary instability and uncertainty for all of us—one filled with extra pressure, stress, and anxiety.

During seasons like this, it is tempting to put self-care on hold and to think that staff care can wait until things feel less overwhelming and uncertain. But it is precisely when things feel uncertain and overwhelming that it is most important to think about what we’re doing to manage our own stress and build resilience. If we are a leader or a manager, this is also when we should be prioritizing staff care.

But how? And where can we even start?

During OpEx365 2020, we had the opportunity to reflect on principles of staff care that can guide us in times of uncertainty. These principles provide a simple framework that invites us to think differently about the tools we have at our disposal to provide care and support for staff right when they need it the most.

The Essential Principles of Staff Care were developed in 2017 by KonTerra, InsideNGO (the precursor to Humentum), and DisasterReady.org to guide NGOs across the employee lifecycle. While designed for “regular” times, these principles still provide a helpful framework during a season of massive upheaval. The principles are outlined in this infographic, and below, we share some examples of how organizations have responded as per these principles to support staff since the COVID-19 pandemic started.

Here are some examples of how we have seen organizations and leaders act in accordance with these principles to support staff since the COVID-19 pandemic started.

1. Leaders have talked about the importance of psychological health and shared their own experiences

Leaders in numerous organizations have set good examples, created a culture of greater openness and support, and helped destigmatize mental health challenges by speaking to their staff about the importance of psychological health and sharing some of their own experiences.

2. Leaders have communicated with staff regularly—with specificity, understanding, and appreciation

We were all hungry for information during 2020, and that is not surprising. In times of uncertainty, the lack of information and a narrative is often perceived as threatening. As such, organizations and leaders can help reduce that sense of threat by frequently communicating with specificity and compassion. In multiple organizations, we have observed executive leadership teams and managers communicating regularly with staff to:

  • Acknowledge that everyone is facing extra pressures, demands, and responsibilities.
  • Express their support and appreciation for staff efforts.
  • Clarify priorities and work-related expectations and allay a sense of work-related pressure and insecurity wherever possible.

3. Leaders have identified resources (financial and non-financial) that could be mobilized to support staff

Leaders have acted to identify and make multiple resources available to support staff. For example, they have:

  • Reminded staff about Employee Assistance Program or Employee Resilience Program resources and how to access them (or made some counseling available at no cost to employees).
  • Distributed and discussed free resources, including tip sheets, reputable health briefings, and relevant podcasts.
  • Granted extra caregiving leave to enable staff to manage additional responsibilities (such as overseeing children completing virtual schooling).
  • Granted additional paid leave to receive (and recover from) vaccinations.

4. Leaders have devoted time to exploring important topical issues in ways that help staff make decisions or learn/grow

Leaders have spent time, energy, and resources (by hiring external facilitators and advisors and organizing discussion forums, groups, briefings, and workshops) to help enable staff to:

  • Learn more about potential risks to physical and psychological safety and make informed choices on those issues (e.g., briefing staff on the research regarding COVID-19 transmission, vaccination).
  • Explore matters related to race, gender, culture, and marginalized identities.
  • Connect around grief or other concerns related to critical incidents or the death(s) of staff members.

5. Leaders have made additional training available on issues related to staff care, stress, and resilience

Leaders have made training on stress and resilience available. Topics organizations have made available to staff facing different challenges around the world include:

  • Effective self-care for managing stress and building resilience
  • Supporting staff effectively during a crisis
  • Psychological PPE for frontline healthcare workers
  • Managing anxiety and coping with isolation
  • Understanding and coping with burnout and vicarious trauma
  • How managers can help prevent burnout and vicarious trauma

Questions for you

If you are a leader, here are some questions for you to consider as you seek to care for your staff during this (and future) seasons of extreme upheaval and uncertainty. You may want to discuss these questions with your leadership team and/or those you supervise:

  • How have you seen the Essential Principles of Staff Care applied within your organization since the COVID-19 pandemic began?
  • Which principle do you think your organization/manager is naturally “strongest” in? What about “weakest”?
  • What would you like to be different in your organization (or for your team) related to staff care a year from now?
  • What are three actions you can take in relation to each principle that would improve staff care within your organization/team?

To access free resources on stress and resilience, you can visit www.konterragroup.net.