Edna Chibole

Associate Trainer/Consultant, Kenya

Skills & experience

Edna is a multifaceted and forward-thinking Senior Management Executive with comprehensive experience in senior leadership and oversight of global programs funded by several donors like USAID, CDC, DFID, UNDP, UN Women, SIDA, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller, Australia AID and Z Zurich Foundation. She is a proactive Chartered Accountant (FCCA) and Esteemed Executive Leadership Coach (ICF accredited) coaching C-Suite Executives, Directors, upcoming Managers and Kenya Young Parliamentarians. She holds a Master of Commerce Degree, and is certified is FMDPro Financial Management for Development, among other credentials.

Case studies

Edna is a consultant and trainer with Humentum. She facilitates training in financial management and compliance. Edna has strong business acumen and over 15 years of experience in providing oversight in strategic planning, setting up new regional NGO offices, donor and legal compliance, risk management, operations, human capital, procurement, financial management, international grants management, fund management, audit preparedness, capacity building and training. Some of the organizations Edna has worked in are: USAID, KPMG, Palladium, Global Communities, Fred Hollows Foundation and YWCA.She is enthusiastic about sharing her comprehensive knowledge and expertise with participants and NGOs through practical interventions and discussions.