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Humentum’s 2023 Annual ERA Index

Humentum’s second annual Equitable, Resilient, Accountable (ERA) Index survey. With two years under our belt, we have developed a picture of how INGOs are acting and reacting to the movement for equitable and locally led development.

Humentum’s 2022 Annual ERA Index

Humentum’s first annual Equitable, Resilient, Accountable (ERA) Index survey. The report uncovers where the sector is on our collective journey to locally-led development and our thoughts on how to keep moving forward.

Transforming Traditional Approaches to Compensation: Implementing Equitable Pay & Benefits at Humentum

Learn from Humentum’s own transformation to a more equitable compensation model. The following case study was independently done by an external agency to document the development, roll-out, and reception of Humentum’s new Total Rewards Policy and salary structure.

What does the Global Economy and International Relocation Look Like Post-COVID-19?

International relocation and travel came to a near halt when the pandemic became widespread in March 2020, having severe ramifications for the global economy. Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, many predictions have been made regarding recovery times and what the new normal may look like concerning things such as employment and office space. With hope that an end may be in sight, several new surveys and reports have been released that suggest what a post-pandemic global workforce may look like.

Nonprofit CEO Survival Guide contributed by Sage Intacct

Nonprofit finance teams operate in a more challenging environment than ever before. Good financial stewardship plays a critical role in…

Humentum COVID-19 Weekly Digests: March 13

Explore a curated range of Humentum COVID-19 resources in this weekly digest for March 13 2020

Four Steps to Greater Nonprofit Stewardship with Digital Finance Transformation

As a nonprofit finance leader, you must be a good steward of the public trust. You are responsible for ensuring the resources of your organization are well protected and used efficiently for the organization to fulfill its mission. Nonprofit digital finance transformation uses technologies like cloud computing, open API integration, analytics, and data visualizations to enhance mission impact, improve stewardship, and increase transparency to donors.

Keeping Perspective in the Midst of Volatility

Smart Stewardship in a Rapidly Changing World contributed by Serenic Software

COVID-19 and Relocation contributed by Hilldrup

The COVID-19 pandemic truly has been a generational event that’s impacted virtually every aspect of our personal and professional lives. Even as hope that its conclusion nears with more vaccines becoming available, the lingering effects are expected to be felt for years to come. Relocation and migration are no exception, and already, these areas have seen dramatic shifts in the past year.