Get involved
Become a member
Humentum membership connects you to a community of peers for problem-solving, best practices, networking, convening, and resources. We are the most cost-effective professional development option in the global development sector.
- Confer with your peers in regular roundtables and timely webinars addressing top-of-mind sector topics
- Tap into Connect, a 24/7 peer networking channel to ask questions and get useful answers
- Access a wide range of member benefits and preferential pricing for consultancy and training
- Participate in Humentum advocacy efforts and make your voice heard
- Save time & unlock expertise with partner offers and job boards
Come to one of our events
While many of our convenings are for members-only, we have a range of other events that are open to anyone.
Sign up for our newsletter
Sign up for our newsletters and emails to stay on top of news and trends.
Join a working group
Join or help form a Working Group:
- Locally-Led Development Policy
- Operationalizing Flexible Funding
- Equitable Risk Sharing Approaches
- Executive Working Group: Transforming Organizational Models
Build your skills
Advocacy permeates all that we do at Humentum, as does skill-building. As you learn more about the various issues surrounding the sector and uncover a need to learn more, check out our trainings. We have a wide range available in multiple languages for individuals, teams, and entire organizations. From USAID support, finance, and HR, to leadership and project management, our experts have trained thousands of NNGOs and understand the culture, needs, and drive your teams possess.