Home Blog & Media Survivor-centered training scheme strengthens global capacity for SEAH investigations

Survivor-centered training scheme strengthens global capacity for SEAH investigations

November 13, 2023

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CHS Alliance, in partnership with Humentum and with the generous support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is strengthening the humanitarian and development sector’s ability to investigate allegations of sexual abuse, exploitation, and harassment (SEAH).

The Investigator Qualification Training Scheme

Although the majority of SEAH victims/survivors are women, most investigators do not reflect this demographic. To bridge this gap, the Investigator Qualification Training Scheme (IQTS) equips practitioners in the sector with survivor-centered and standardized investigative skills. Additionally, it prioritizes the accessibility and affordability of the qualification. By expanding access to the IQTS to a wider audience, including prioritizing women, the project will produce more culturally appropriate SEAH investigations that can better serve the global majority.

“Well run, survivor-centered investigations into allegations of misconduct are critical to tackle SEAH in the humanitarian and development sector. They not only ensure support and justice for victims/survivors but also hold perpetrators accountable for their actions.” said Tanya Wood, Executive Director of CHS Alliance. “By strengthening the availability of culturally and gender representative investigations around the world, the Scheme marks a milestone in the sector’s collective efforts to address this type of abuse of power.”

“In response to the ongoing imperative to safeguard communities and individuals affected by crises, Humentum is proud to partner with CHS Alliance and USAID to provide localized investigations that are professional and culturally inclusive, while ensuring representation from women in low- and middle-income countries.” said Dr. Christine Sow, CEO of Humentum. “This initiative underscores our shared commitment to strengthening SEAH investigations, ensuring investigators are representative of the individuals they serve, and building a more equitable, resilient, and accountable humanitarian and development sector.”

This four-tiered training program enhances investigators’ capabilities, establishes a professional standard, and supports career progression through ongoing training and support. The program is designed for humanitarian practitioners, safeguarding practitioners, and aspiring investigators and offers flexible, self-paced online learning guided by experts.

  • Tier 1 (Foundation) introduces core SEAH investigation concepts.
  • Tier 2 (Theory) provides theoretical knowledge under the guidance of an experienced SEAH investigator.
  • Tier 3 (Practice) imparts practical skills for independent SEAH investigations.
  • Tier 4 (Maintenance) an opportunity to maintain their qualification through demonstrating continued learning and practice.

Beyond training, the Scheme will offer an investigators roster, mentoring services and a community of practice to help individuals and organizations pool SEAH investigation expertise and foster best practice.

For more information on IQTS, please visit our webpage.

To register for tier 2, click here.

About Us

CHS Alliance is a global network of humanitarian and development organizations committed to making aid work better for people. We believe organizations deliver higher quality, more effective aid when they are accountable to the people they serve. Together, we are a movement to strengthen accountability and to put people affected by crisis at the heart of what we do by applying the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality & Accountability (CHS).

Humentum is a global nonprofit that unlocks the strategic power of operating models for social good organizations. We focus on practical solutions to improve the effectiveness of finance, people, risk, and compliance processes, through the lens of equity, resilience, and accountability. We strengthen organizations through training, expert consulting, a vibrant membership community, and dynamic advocacy on critical operational issues.