Ben Boxer

Ben Boxer

Associate Consultant, Kenya

Skills & experience

Ben is an experienced finance and operations leader. An accountant by profession – FCPA (Australia) and CGMA, he has over 20 years’ experience working in senior finance and operations with INGOs and IOs, most recently Save the Children International and World Agroforestry (ICRAF). Earlier in his career, Ben worked for Action Against Hunger in Kosovo in 2000-2001 and Oxfam Australia overseeing post-conflict programs in Timor Leste in 2001-2.

Case studies

Ben enjoys working with senior leadership in the development sector to improve and streamline systems and controls and enable efficiency. Ben has led global and regional finance, and corporate services teams in long term postings in Europe, Asia and Africa and managed humanitarian and development funding from a diverse set of international donors. He has designed financial systems and improved control frameworks, developed costing models and financial reporting tools. He was an integral part of the Regional Leadership Team that merged the operations of Save the Children affiliates across East and Southern Africa, implementing new systems, policies and procedures and mentoring country finance and grants teams. His Humentum assignments have included an organizational capacity assessment, a data analysis project for a major institutional merger and an independent review of a national emergency appeal consortium mechanism. Ben has taken on interim assignments and consultancies with social enterprises and held interim country leadership positions.