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Caitlin Heatherington

Digital Marketing Manager, UK

Caitlin Heatherington joined Humentum in January 2020 as Marketing & Communications Manager, IFR4NPO, which included project managing the IFR4NPO project website, implementing multi-channel social media campaigns and initiatives to grow and increase member engagement and establish a leading voice for IFR4NPO. Caitlin now holds the role of Digital Marketing Manager.

Caitlin is skilled and passionate about digital marketing and providing an online voice for NPOs. She previously worked as Digital Marketing and Website Development Officer at the Children’s Liver Disease Foundation in Birmingham, UK, where she was responsible for developing a new website, creating and implementing online national fundraising campaigns, setting up events across the UK, identifying and working with celebrity influencers, and creating online communities. Before the Children’s Liver Disease Foundation, Caitlin worked in various digital media agencies across Birmingham where she gained vital skills, which she now uses for her passion working in the non-profit sector.

Caitlin gradated with a BA (Hons) in Business Management and Marketing from Manchester Metropolitan University.