Get In Touch

Judith Mumford

Director, Learning Platforms, UK

Skills and experience

Judith joined Humentum (then LINGOs) in 2015. Since then her role has grown and changed. Originally she focused on supporting learning members, including working on collaborative ways to engage the community. Judith now leads the content and platforms team providing and managing all content and platforms used to deliver training to our members and clients. Her focus is to ensure high quality content is relevant and accessible in multiple environments, including face-to-face and online.

Prior to joining Humentum, she worked 7 years at CAFOD (the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) as the learning and development coordinator. This role was the turning point in her career and became the driver for her future in capacity building, but it was LINGOs that allowed her to push her limits and gave her the space to innovate and impact! Although Judith has a BSc in Psychology, she would like to assure you that no, she cannot read your mind. Living in London with her husband, Michael and cat Roxy, she is a city girl through and through.