Humentum Comments on USAID’s Draft Local Capacity Development Policy
In its request for comments, USAID asked the public to identify the sections or statements that it deems essential to the policy; where clarification is needed; and any major gaps or inaccuracies. Humentum has divided its comments accordingly.
Transforming Traditional Approaches to Compensation: Implementing Equitable Pay & Benefits at Humentum
Learn from Humentum's own transformation to a more equitable compensation model. The following case study was independently done by an external agency to document the development, roll-out, and reception of Humentum's new Total Rewards Policy and salary structure.
Top Tips: Dealing with Fraud
Sometimes, fraud can happen despite having solid financial management practices and internal controls in place. Many NGOs have been the…
Humentum’s Executive Summit Summary
At the end of 2021, Humentum hosted an Executive Summit to address the trends and challenges of INGO executives. The…
Top Tips: Warning Signs of Fraud
Unfortunately, fraud is not unique occurance within organizations. The following signs may be an indication of fraud or abuse at…
Advocacy Advisor – Final Update of 2021
As we move into 2022, the sector must also continue to engage the administration and Congress on the procurement and compliance policy reforms that will enable a development ecosystem supportive of and conducive to locally-led development. Humentum stands at the ready to do so.
Re-Imagine Your Approach to Resource Mobilization Webinar Report
As part of our COVID-19 support, we developed a report, based on our popular webinar on financial sustainability, to help your organization become more resilient during these uncertain times. This report helps organizations develop an effective financing strategy and resource mobilization plan.
The Procurement Process – Top Tips
It is important to have a clear procurement policy to avoid confusion and to make sure we get value for money when buying goods or services. The policy also removes the suspicion of fraud – and the temptation!
Anti-Fraud & Bribery Policy Template
Fraud is a deliberate improper action which leads to financial loss to the organization and usually also results in financial gain to the fraudster. Fraud is typically carried out by an NGO's own staff, or their partners' staff - often by people you have previously trusted.
Successful Nonprofit Cybersecurity & Privacy for Remote Work
Measures to control and prevent the spread of the disease have increased the need for the integration of digital technology into all aspects of the organization. This can provide a number of new opportunities, but it also provides the possibility for additional security issues.
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Humentum's strength lies in the wealth of experience and expertise of it's community: member organizations, clients, industry partners, and more. We connect regularly in virtual meetings, webinars, and roundtables to share insights and knowledge around the most pressing nonprofit issues. Search our resource library for curated articles, case studies, webinar recordings, top tips, templates, and more.