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Christine Longueville

Associate Consultant, France

Christine Longueville started her professional career working in the private sector both in France and in the UK. She aspired to work in the humanitarian sector, so she decided to go back to university and graduated with a Master’s Degree in Humanitarian Action NOHA – and did her research thesis on Human Trafficking followed by an internship at the Counter Trafficking Unit of the IOM in Indonesia. She then held Human Resources positions in the field, countries offices, regional offices and headquarters for various NGOs based in Africa, the Middle East and Central America. As a Human Resources professional, she managed Code of Conduct breaches and conducted administrative investigations on a wide range of inappropriate and abusive behaviours, including SEAH. She now works as an independent consultant conducting field and remote SEAH investigations for humanitarian organisations. She also conducted online and onsite investigation trainings for the CHS-A and is now an IQTS trainer for Humentum.

Christine speaks fluent French, English, and Spanish and resides in Paris, France.